Sponsor a hafiz
Hafiz Sponsorship
Sponsor an orphan for only £30 a month or £360 a year to make a big difference to the life of an orphan.
The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, said,
The best of you are those who learn the Qur’an and teach it to others. (Bukhari)
Sponsoring a Hafiz is the best form of Sadaqah Jariyah and Nour Al-Sham is running a Hafiz sponsorship project in Syria with the goal of spreading the knowledge and understanding of the Holy Quran and the Sunnah of our Prophet. Our Hafiz project lasts between 2-4 years for each student to help him/her memorise the Holy Quran and educate students to build a deeper connection with Allah and Islam.
Sponsoring a Hafiz is a noble job you can contribute to and help us enlighten a whole new generation and create a bright future for young minds.
Sponsor a Hafiz
This is your chance to build up your Aakhira and contribute to this noble cause.
This project is eligible for zakat.
Sponsor a Hafiz or Hafiza for a month
Sponsor a Hafiz or Hafiza for a year
Sponsor a Hafiz or Hafiza up to 3 Years
The Messenger of Allah said:
“The best of you are those who learn the Qur’an and teach it to others.”
Sponsoring a Hafiz is the best form of Sadaqah jariya. Sponsor a Hafiz Today and gain blessings upon blessings beyond measure.